Restoration of the favourable conservation status, ecosystem services and connectivity of the natura 2000 habitat types 6210(*), 6240* and 6510 in the Biosphere Reserve Karst Landscape South Harz
Project goals
Project goals
The grassland habitat types 6210(*) (Semi-natural dry grasslands), 6240* (Sub-Pannonic steppic grasslands) and 6510 (Lowland hay meadows) are of high importance for nature conservation in Saxony-Anhalt, both from a quantitative and qualitative point of view. In the southern Harz, one of the most important cultural landscapes with a very high proportion of grassland, they often show deficits. In addition to the impairment caused by underuse, suboptimal management or immigration of the value-reducing neophyte Bunias orientalis, the degree of isolation is steadily increasing due to impaired or missing connectivity elements. The aim of the measures planned under the project is to restore the severely impaired biodiversity and ecosystem services and to improve the conservation status and connectivity of the habitat types 6210(*), 6240* and 6510. This will not only restore the nature conservation value but also the basis for the management of these semi-natural, use-dependent habitats and ensure sustainable material cycles, pollinator services and the recreational function. The measures make a significant contribution to improving the green infrastructure in rural areas, whose extraordinarily high importance is highlighted with regard to a broad spectrum of ecosystem services.
The following work priorities are part of the project:- Improvement of the conservation status of the habitat types 6210(*) (Semi-natural dry grasslands), 6240* (Sub-Pannonic steppic grasslands) and 6510 (Lowland hay meadows)
- Establishment of regional cultivation of LRT 6240* species
- Reintroduction and population strengthening of Scorzonera purpurea and Scabiosa canescens
- (Re)connection of habitat types and promotion of numerous faunistic species groups (bats, insects: including butterflies, rams, moths, wild bees)
- Ensuring or restoring the manageability of the use-dependent grassland habitat types and preventing the further spread of Bunias orientalis
Knowledge transfer and public relations
Knowledge transfer and public relations
For information on upcoming events of the project, please visit our Announcements.
Recommendations for the management of the Natura 2000 habitat types 6510 (lowland meadows), 6440 (floodplain meadow ) and 6520 (mountain hay meadows) can be found in the guideline „Grünlandleitfaden“.
Current insights into the project are also available on „Offenlandinfo“ on Instagram.
Project leader: Prof. Dr. habil. Sabine Tischew
Researchers: Nele Adert (M. Sc.), Marika Ley (M. Sc.), Maren Meyer (M. Sc.)
Duration: 01/2022 - 09/2024 (FKZ: 407.1.11-60128/630121000019)
Europa-ELER, ELER-Sachsen-Anhalt, Landesverwaltungsamt Sachsen-Anhalt
Cooperation partner: Biosphärenreservat Karstlandschaft Südharz