Working groups
Welcome to our research groups!
We are interested in a broad range of topics. In our work, we focus upon management of open landscapes, ecological restoration, biodiversity in agricultural landscapes and re-establishment of rare and threatened species.
For further information of the project contents see the project pages.
Information about the members of our working groups can be found on the following pages.
Vegetation Science and Landscape Ecology
Vegetation Science and Landscape Ecology
Prof. Dr. habil. Sabine Tischew
University staff
Third-party funded researchers and stipendiaries
Willem Kujawa (B. Sc.)
Georg Rieland (M. Sc.)
Andrea Semm
Dr. Alina Twerski
Saskia Werner (B. Sc.)
Dr. Markus Zaplata
Dorottya Hajnal (M. Sc.)
Landscape Management and Dendrology
Landscape Management and Dendrology
Third-party funded scientists and stipendiarys
Verena Arndt
Anette Bachmann
Johannes Garlin
International Nature Conservation (Prof. Dr. Markus Meyer)
International Nature Conservation (Prof. Dr. Markus Meyer)
University staff
Third-party funded scientists and stipendiarys