Results of the project
Results of the project
In 2019, the occurrence of plant species and wild bees on perennial wildflower strips in Saxony-Anhalt was evaluated. The flower strips were sown by farmers under agri-environmental schemes (AES) with a mixture of 30 regional forbs from certified seed propagation. In the 4th and 5th year after sowing, 70 % of the sown species were still present on the sites. A total of 125 wild bee species were recorded on flower strips and only 11 wild bee species in cereal fields without flower strips. In addition to the presence of pollen and nectar plants on the flower strips, their surrounding also plays an important role for wild bees: with increasing structural diversity in the landscape, more specialised and rare wild bee species could be observed on the flower strips. This shows that, especially in cleared agricultural areas, not only perennial wildflower strips but also persistent structures such as species-rich grassland and field margins, orchard meadows and hedges have to be promoted.
Project leader: Prof. Dr. Sabine Tischew, PD Dr. Anita Kirmer
Cooperation partner: Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Gartenbau Sachsen-Anhalt, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH
Researchers: Lea Schubert M.Sc., Thomas Stahl M.Sc.
Funded by: Ministerium für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Energie Sachsen-Anhalt
Project number: A02/2019, duration: 3/2019 - 4/2020